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The History of Us

Your Military Maids

My name is SAM, and I’ve worked with several non-profit organization’s over the last 20 years and it is my passion to help and serve others. In 2013, I started working at a Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Center and I saw how victims of DV find it difficult to find jobs and take care of children.


I wanted to start a business that could help women (and men) to create a sense of belonging, self-worth and much needed confidence. A company that could help those with little or no education, those who did not speak or spoke very little English, even those who were could not get jobs because of discrimination due to their race and/or religion and other things.


I watched as women struggled with disappointment interview after interview. These women only want to help provide for their families. I grew to know many of these women personally, met their families, became a part of their celebrations and became their “American Mom” in many ways.


When I heard about the borders to Afghanistan being closed and women not being allowed to work, strict government guidelines and severe punishment for those that disobeyed the new ‘laws’ it was heartbreaking. The Afghani community here was devastated. Even though many of the women that I have met have husbands who have good jobs, families that they are raising their families in America, they speak English, are American Citizens, their children go to school, the women all have a driver’s license, but they just cannot get jobs because they wear their hijabs or are unable to speak perfect English.


I decided to start a cleaning business and began the process of creating a name, getting my license and insurance, and then my friend from church told me that her family was moving from Ft. Moore military base to Alaska and that she could no longer keep up with her cleaning business. She and I made an agreement that I would buy it. It was already a pretty popular cleaning business focusing on
helping with move-out cleans for families moving in a hurry. The wives would help each other and would babysit each other’s children instead of paying for daycare. So I bought them and merged the names as Totally Tidy Cleaning Service: “Your Military Maids.” The two-year business already had a great name and nine months strong in to my new business, we have an excellent reputation.


I have four Afghani women; a young mother from Guatemala that does not speak very good English but has been granted asylum and working to start her new life here; a single mom with three children; and a woman who is an excellent cleaner but has some health issues and unable to take on a lot of jobs. All of these
women have never called in sick working for me. They are genuinely grateful to work. They babysit each other’s children, share products, work well together and they truly love their jobs. They are dedicated and loyal, and I have never had to cancel any scheduled appointments because of their dedication. The customers are very pleased with their work.


In parts of the world where most of them come from, an education is not always allowed and desired very much. By purchasing the certification course through AHCA, this will give them a lot of confidence and allow me to continue to nurture relationships to help make this business grow. I am excited to be able to afford this opportunity and gift to them, and I can’t wait to see the expressions of happiness on
their faces. I am very grateful that I came across the American House Cleaners Association (AHCA) and the network of other cleaners, enjoy the networking, generous offers from AHCA, and I am looking forward to learning a lot.


Our business will not discriminate. We will provide the tools needed to maintain a professional business that supports different categories of people. We support many non-profit organizations and are involved with community events. We help Veterans, the elderly, offer depression/grief cleaning, hoarding, small office, general, deep and move in/out cleanings. We also offer basic maid/housekeeping services that include laundry and dishes, too.


Our History

May 2021

Military Maids was founded by Kaitlyn McKay, a military wife at Fort Moore (formerly Fort Benning). She and her husband were transferred to another station, but Military Maids lives on through Totally Tidy Cleaning!

May 2023

Shehane purchased Military Maids and merged it with her cleaning business. Totally Tidy Cleaning: "Your Military Maids" was formed.

Our Team

Image by Ryan Christodoulou
“We are so thankful to AHCA for having so many resources and networking. I don’t know how we have lived the last 9 months without you!”

SAM Shehane, Owner


Totally Tidy Cleaning

"Your Military Maids"

Serving the Columbus, GA area, surrounding area, and parts of AL.

Phone: 706-366-3416


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